honnan fúj a szél?exp
    1. which way is the wind?
      USA: hwɪ'tʃ weɪ' ʌ·z ðiː· wɪ'nd UK: wɪtʃ weɪ ɪz ðiː wɪnd
    1. how sits the wind?
      USA: haʊ' sɪ'ts ðiː· wɪ'nd UK: haʊ sɪts ðiː wɪnd
megvárja honnan fúj a szélv
    1. see how the wind lies
      USA: siː' haʊ' ðiː· wɪ'nd laɪ'z UK: siː haʊ ðiː wɪnd laɪz
    1. see how the wind blows
      USA: siː' haʊ' ðiː· wɪ'nd bloʊ'z UK: siː haʊ ðiː wɪnd bloʊz
nézzük, honnan fúj a szélexp
    1. let's see how the wind blows
      USA: le'ts siː' haʊ' ðiː· wɪ'nd bloʊ'z UK: lets siː haʊ ðiː wɪnd bloʊz
apró jel ami mutatja hogy, "honnan fúj a szélexp
    1. straw in the wind
      USA: strɔː' ɪ'n ðiː· wɪ'nd UK: strɔː ɪn ðiː wɪnd
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